
Update: White House removes Cowboys petition

The old adage says you can't fire the owner, but there's at least one Dallas Cowboys fan who's trying anyway. A "Steven M" from Fort Benning, Ga., has created a petition on the White House's website asking the Obama administration to remove Jerry Jones as owner of the Cowboys.

"We, the Citizens of the Great State of Texas, and Dallas Cowboys fans worldwide, have been oppressed by an over controlling, delusional, oppressive dictator for way too long," the petition reads. "Request the Executive Branch's immediate assistance in removal of owner and GM, Jerry Jones. His incompetence and ego have not only been an extreme disappointment for way too long, but moreover, it has caused extreme mental and emotional duress."

True story. You can go to the White House's website and check it out if you want. Heck, if you agree with Steven M., you can even sign the petition, which requires 25,000 signatures by Dec. 23, and as of 9:30 a.m. CT today had 680.

Just don't expect it to do any good. Jones has no intention of giving up ownership of the Cowboys or firing himself as GM, and I'd have to imagine the White House has more pressing matters on its mind.

UPDATE (4:30 p.m. CT): After receiving more than 4,000 responses, the White House has removed this petition from the website for a "violation of our Terms of Participation."